Sunday, September 18, 2011

Project One

Eva and I started to play with the new sewing machine today.  We wanted to adapt an adult tank top into a dress, but she didn't want to stand still while we figured out how to do the adaptations to fit her skinny body.  So, Plan B:  She found some blue flower fabric I had and we made a pillow!  I will need more time to get the feel of this machine, but so far so good.

She has been using the pillow while watching shows.  

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Moist, Mossy, Mushrooms

It has been a wet month here on the northeast side of Tucson. We have all sorts of evidence of moisture that we usually associate with humid climates.
I thought I took more pictures of the mushrooms in the lawn, but these were the cute little ones in the drive.
Moss. On my trees. Where did this come from? Isn't this the Sonoran Desert?
All the mesquite pods we were supposed to rake up, every weekend for the last two months, have started sprouting. I don't think I need that many mesquites in my drive. We already have a ton of them.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Eva wrote her name for the first time the other day. With no help and no prompting. She just wrote it...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bubble Trouble

Maeve took her first bubble bath this week.

She was thrilled, but unsure of what she should do with all that white stuff. Eat it? Splash it?

No worries! Big sister to the rescue. She knows exactly what to do with bubbles.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Upcycled Tutu

We are all happy to be home! Except Maeve, who is wishing for more people to smile at and dance with. She is quite the extrovert.

Eva made this skirt at the conference and was showing it off today. You can tell she is still a bit worn out from the trip.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Eva is my wave swimming, in the ocean, over her head, without a fear, girl. Since she could crawl she would just head right for the nearest body of water and go in. Waves, no problem. So I asked her if she would like to surf at the conference(showing her pictures of the last conference surf lesson). Surprise...the answer was a resounding "No." Okay, fine...and in pipes Elias, "I want to."

What? My son who spends all his time building and digging on the shore. Who rarely can be coaxed into the waves at all. Elias wants a surfing lesson. "You sure?" Yes, he was sure. We signed him and Craig up for the lesson. Up until a couple minutes into the lesson I was pretty sure he wouldn't do much with it. Maybe go out a few feet and sit on the board while the waves lapped at him. Stand on the sand.

Kids love twisting your world around. I love that they do!

Heading out.

Heading in. Upright and happy.

I asked how he liked his lesson. His response, "It is the most awesome thing ever!" His smile muscles were sore. Love this life!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Pelican Splash

Pelicans were out in numbers this trip to Del Mar. We watched them on several occasions diving for fish out in the waves. I love how quick they circle, dive, and come up with a fish. Eva said they look silly with their funny necks.